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Equipment for Loan

Students, faculty and staff may borrow laptop computers for use within the W. W. Hagerty Library. Laptop computers can connect to the Drexel University wireless network (DragonFly). Click here to read the Drexel Libraries' user data protection for shared devices policy.

Other equipment is available to borrow for use within the W. W. Hagerty Library. Visit the Service Desk on the first floor to borrow other supplies, including portable power chargers, headphones, calculators, projectors, MacBook video adapters, HDMI & VGA cables, computer mice, USB thumb drives and Ethernet cables. 

Laptop Computers: Borrowing Policies and Procedures

Eligible Borrowers

  • Drexel University students, faculty, residents and staff with Drexel ID who are in good standing
  • Excessive fines or outstanding overdue items will block borrowing of laptops.


Laptops can be checked out using the laptop lending kiosk in the Dragons' Learning Den in the W. W. Hagerty Library. 

  • Laptops can be checked out for 5 hours for use in the W. W. Hagerty Library.
  • One laptop per person.
  • Laptops should never be left unattended.
  • A borrower is responsible for the laptop checked out on their library account.
  • Report any loss or damage IMMEDIATELY.
  • Leaving the W. W. Hagerty Library with a laptop will result in an automatic fine of $65.00.
  • Keep food and drink away from laptops.


  • Laptops dispensed from a lending kiosk cannot be renewed.

Overdue Fines

  • $5.00 for each hour overdue.
  • $65.00 maximum fine.
  • Avoid overdue fines by returning laptop on time and intact.

Replacement Costs

  • Patrons are responsible for full replacement cost if the laptop computer or any peripherals charged out to them are lost, or the full repair cost charged by the Libraries' selected repair service if the computer or any peripherals are damaged. The maximum liability for repair or replacement is $2000.00 for equivalent, new replacement equipment at current market price.
  • Damage or loss charges will be applied to the student's University bill.

Portable Power Chargers: Borrowing Policies and Procedures

Eligible Borrowers

  • Drexel University students, faculty and staff with Drexel ID who are in good standing
  • Excessive fines or outstanding overdue items will block borrowing of portable power chargers.


Portable power chargers can be checked out through the lending kiosks in the Dragons’ Learning Den in the W. W. Hagerty Library.

  • Portable power chargers may be checked out for up to 5 hours, for in-house use only.
  • One power charger per person.
  • The Drexel Libraries does not provide cables. Users must bring their own cables to charge devices using the portable power chargers.
  • Power chargers should never be left unattended.
  • A borrower is responsible for the power charger checked out on his/her library account.
  • Report any loss or damage IMMEDIATELY.
  • Leaving the W. W. Hagerty Library with a portable power charger will result in an automatic fine of $65.00.
  • Keep food and drink away from power chargers. There is an automatic fine for having food or drinks near a library power charger.


    • Portable power chargers dispensed from the lending kiosks cannot be renewed.

      Overdue Fines

      • $5.00 for each hour overdue.
      • $65.00 maximum fine.
      • Avoid overdue fines by returning power chargers on time and intact.

        Replacement Costs

        • Patrons are responsible for full replacement cost if the portable power charger or any peripherals charged out to them are lost, or the full repair cost charged by the Libraries' selected repair service if the computer or any peripherals are damaged. The maximum liability for repair or replacement is $125.00 for equivalent, new replacement equipment at current market price.
        • Damage or loss charges will be applied to the student's University bill.