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Borrowing Privileges

A library employee checks out a book for a patron at the W. W. Hagerty front desk.

The Drexel Libraries has a variety of equipment and print and audiovisual materials available to members of the Drexel community. Members of the Drexel community may borrow resources and equipment by visiting by the service desk at the W. W. Library. Distance Learners may also request that material be mailed to their home address. 

Borrow Physical Materials & Equipment 

The Drexel Libraries offers the following services to provide access to physical materials, including books and journals. 

  • Browse the stacks: The stacks in the W. W. Hagerty Library are open for browsing as normal. Print materials previously available at Queen Lane and the New College Building are now located in the W. W. Hagerty Library. 
  • Physical course reserves: Print textbooks and other physical course reserves materials, including books and DVDs, are available at the service desk in the W. W. Hagerty Library. Visit the service desk to request on-site access to print reserves materials.
  • Shipping physical materials: Libraries staff will ship physical materials on loan to a confirmed off-campus address (within the U.S.) upon request via the Libraries’ website. Physical materials will arrive within seven business days. View the Drexel Libraries' shipping boundary map to determine if your address is considered on-campus. All shipped materials will include pre-paid return shipping labels. 
  • Online delivery of digitized print materials: Staff will digitize articles and book chapters upon request and within three business days via email.
  • Electronic Course Reserves: Electronic course reserves are currently available. Libraries staff will work with teaching faculty and staff to identify electronic alternatives to replace physical items on reserve. Please email to discuss your options.
  • Borrow from Other Libraries: Request digital copies of journal articles and book chapters outside the Drexel Libraries’ owned and licensed collections through our interlibrary loan service, ILLIAD. Request a physical item from another library via EZBorrow.

Loan Periods & Renewals

  • Loan Period: 28 days, six months for faculty, staff and graduate students
  • Renewals: Twice online, once for faculty, staff and graduate students. Additional renewals may be made by bringing the book to the service desk at the W. W. Hagerty Library or by contacting
  • Late Fines: $1.00 per day only if requested or recalled by staff
  • Due date may be amended if item is recalled

DVDs & VHS (Regular Collections)

  • Loan Period: 14 days
  • Renewals: twice online
  • Late Fine: $1.00 per day only if requested or recalled by staff
  • Due date may be amended if item is recalled 

Laptops and Portable Chargers

  • Loan Period: 5 hours
  • Renewals: renew in person at service desk, no renewals for laptops and chargers provided via the kiosk
  • Limit: 1
  • Late Fine: $5.00 hour
  • Alumni owing more than $10 in fines are not eligible to borrow
  • More information about borrowing a laptop

Other Equipment

  • Available equipment: Dry erase markers, headphones, calculators, projectors, MacBook video adapters, HDMI & VGA cables, computer mice, USB drives, Ethernet cables
  • Loan Period: 3 hours
  • Renewals: renew in person at service desk
  • Late Fine: $1.00 per hour
  • NEW! Dry erase markers are now available to borrow overnight for use in the Dragons' Learning Den. Markers circulate for 3 hours during the day. Check out within 3 hours of library closing & you can keep them until the library opens the next day. 
  • Equipment is for in-library use only. Do not take items outside the W. W. Hagerty Library. 
  • Returns: Please return all equipment to the Service Desk during normal Library hours. If you borrow dry erase markers overnight, return them to the overnight drop box in the Drgaons' Learning Den (next to the outside entrance). 

Course Reserves

Loan periods may be adjusted for special reasons- e.g., faculty requests for reserve, special programs, graduating seniors.


  • If eligible, items may be renewed online at any time by using your Drexel user ID and password to view your library record
  • You may also renew Drexel Libraries books by calling the service desk at 888-278-8825 (toll free) or 215-895-2755 or emailing
  • Items that have been recalled or requested by another user may not be renewed
  • Items may not be renewed by a patron whose borrowing privileges have expired
  • Items that have been renewed twice online must be renewed in person at the W. W. Hagerty Library
  • Items are not eligible for renewal until 72 hours after they are checked out.
  • E-ZBorrow items may not be renewed. ILLIAD items must be renewed by following the instructions on the yellow band attached to the book.

Fines and Replacement

The Drexel Libraries is committed to providing quick and reliable access to its physical materials. To manage this commitment:

  • Clients will be charged replacement and processing fees for overdue items two weeks after the due date. These fees will be waived if the overdue items are returned.
  • Overdue fines will be charged for items in high-use, short-term loan collections as well as for items requested by other clients and not returned by the due date.
  • Borrowing privileges will be suspended for alumni and guests owing more than $10.00
  • Payment for fines and fees is accepted in the following types: cash or credit card 
  • Replacement fees and fines of more than $10.00 are billed through the comptroller's office at the end of each term
  • Your library record accurately reflects due dates of all borrowed items that may have been recalled or renewed online or by phone or email


  • Items may be recalled by the Libraries at any time
  • Failure to return a recalled item within 5 days of the email recall notice will result fines of $1.00 per day
  • If faculty recall items for reserve use, the due date of your items may be shortened. Students will receive five days notice

Return Physical Materials

Clients may return physical materials via the book drop bin located at the W. W. Hagerty Library. If you have a UPS return envelope, you can return items via any UPS drop box. For questions about returning materials via mail or if the link to your shipping label has expired, contact Contact with questions about returning physical items to the Libraries. 

Books from the Reserves collections must be returned directly to service desk staff members to avoid accruals of fines. Overnight reserves books may be returned in a Book Drop if the Library is closed.

Claims Returned

If you are notified that an item is overdue or subject to billing, but you believe you have returned it, contact us immediately by emailing Staff will search for this item. If the item is not found on the shelf, you will be responsible for replacing the item. 

Suspension of Borrowing Privileges

Any of the following can result in temporary suspension of borrowing privileges:

  • More than $10.00 in fines and replacement fees (alumni and guests only)

Reciprocal Borrowing Agreements

PALCI Libraries Share

The Drexel Libraries participates in the PALCI Libraries Share reciprocal on-site borrowing program, which provides broader access to information resources and scholarly materials. 

Drexel University students, faculty, and staff are eligible to use PALCI libraries and to borrow materials from the circulating collections. View the list of participating libraries here.

In order to visit and borrow materials from a participating PALCI library, Drexel faculty, staff, and students must first obtain a reciprocal borrowing letter from the Service Desk at the W. W. Hagerty Library. You will need to present this letter, along with your Drexel ID (DragonCard), at the service desk of the participating library.

Other On-Site Programs

Through reciprocal agreements, graduate students and faculty from University of Pennsylvania may visit Drexel University Libraries and borrow materials. A reciprocal borrower's letter must first be obtained from their home library. This letter should be presented, along with their current university ID card, to circulation desk staff in order to obtain a borrowing card.

Temple University students and faculty are welcome to visit Drexel University Libraries during all open hours when presenting a current Temple University ID card.

Please note that the doors to the library will lock after normal visitor hours end. (In general, visitor hours are 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.) To enter the building when the doors are locked, please ring the doorbell located by the front doors. A Public Safety Officer will check for the required ID at the front door before signing in guests at the security desk.