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Policies & Guidelines

Privacy Statement

Privacy is essential to the exercise of free speech, free thought, and free association. Drexel University Libraries defines the right to privacy as the right to open inquiry without having the subject of one's interest examined or scrutinized by others. Confidentiality exists when a library is in possession of personally identifiable information about users and user activities, and keeps that information private on their behalf. Read the Drexel University Libraries' full privacy statement.

Drexel Libraries' Selection Principles

Drexel University librarians apply their disciplinary knowledge and expertise in making selection and acquisition decisions. They initiate and maintain close relationships with Colleges, Schools, academic programs, and faculty through departmental meetings, consultations and other communication venues which help them to determine faculty and student dependencies on information resources in relation to curriculum assignments and accreditation requirements.


The Drexel University Libraries is committed to providing equal access to information to all students, faculty, staff, and members of the Drexel community. Whenever possible, the Libraries will select and acquire resources and technologies that are accessible to all in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For those parts of the historical collections that are not accessible, the Libraries is committed to providing reasonable accommodations and timely access in appropriately reformatted media that are accessible to disabled Libraries users.

Read more about the Libraries’ services for people with disabilities on the Services page.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Drexel University Libraries is committed to the value of inclusion. We strictly adhere to and enforce the University’s diversity policies and procedures, and all Libraries staff work to promote, support and sustain an environment of diversity, equality, fairness, inclusion, and respect. Please contact us with any comments or concerns about diversity and inclusion in the Drexel Libraries.

Use of Cell Phones in the Libraries

In order to provide an environment conducive to using the Libraries, please conduct cell phone conversations away from study, research, and service areas. Please turn off ringers while in the Library.

If you must use your cell phone to make or receive a phone call while in the library, you are encouraged to do so in the high noise areas, the designated areas near the stairwells, or go outside.  

As a courtesy to the other patrons, please use the study rooms for video calls and meetings.

Food and Drink

W. W. Hagerty Library

  • Light snacks and beverages with secure lids are permitted.
  • Meals or messy, aromatic foods (ie: pizza, hoagies, salads etc) are NOT permitted in the main library.

Dragons' Learning Den (located on the 1st floor of W. W. Hagerty Library)

  • Food and drinks are permitted in the Dragons' Learning Den. 

Clients are responsible for disposing of empty containers and trash in the appropriate receptacles. Please clean up any messes and bring any serious damage or spills to the attention of Libraries staff at the Service Desk immediately.

Noise Levels

Noise levels vary widely within the libraries. Learners use the space for quiet, individual study in addition to collaborative group work. The following designations are defined in order to provide an environment that is comfortable, inviting, and conducive to study for all of our users.

Silent Zone: No talking, no group study, cell phones should be turned off or set to silent.

Quiet Zone: Low talking, cell phones turned off or set to silent, quiet conversational noise.

Collaborative Zone: Group studying, group conversational noise

General Noise Guidelines:

  • Be considerate of others.  
  • Headphones may be used if noise from the headphones is not audible to others.
  • Laptop computers and library computers may be operated, but all sound or audio features must be turned off.  Video Chat is not permitted.
  • Cell phones should be turned to silent or off.  If you must use your cell phone to make or receive a phone call while in the library, you are encouraged to do so in the high noise areas, the designated areas near the stairwells, or go outside.  
  • Individuals collaborating in group study rooms should keep the door shut in order to contain any noise.

Those who fail to follow these policies will be asked to either conform or leave the library. Additional sanctions may be imposed on repeat offenders. Non-Drexel offenders may be barred from the library entirely.

Libraries Facilities Use Policy

Free expressive activities and inquiry are fundamental to the academic endeavor. With this right to free expression comes a responsibility to consider and accommodate the rights of other members of the campus community. Drexel University Libraries supports the right of individuals (students, faculty, and staff) and groups that are affiliated with the University to discuss, express, advocate or examine issues or ideas within constitutionally valid limitations. Therefore, Drexel University affiliated individuals and groups may conduct orderly seminars, discussions and events if they do not disrupt the normal or previously scheduled activities of the University or University affiliated entities, violate the free speech, assembly or movement of other individuals or organizations, damage property, or create an unsafe situation for any individual, group or organization.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Drexel University Libraries' spaces are used for purposes that are consistent with the Libraries' role as a learning enterprise dedicated to providing access to authoritative information regardless of format, to building learning environments, to strengthening connections to scholarship and to modeling an entrepreneurial organization.

Mission for Libraries facilities:

The Libraries has the primary mission of meeting the essential information needs of students, faculty and staff to support the intellectual, teaching, learning, and research activities of the University.  The use of the Libraries' facilities may be denied if the activities interfere with the philosophy, missions, or goals of Drexel University, a non-profit institution.

The Libraries provides a variety of different services which vary based on an individual's University affiliation. Drexel community members and visitors may use library spaces for learning activities, including collaborative meetings/discussions, independent study, instruction, brainstorming, or interdisciplinary activities. These spaces are not intended to replace offices or departmental conference rooms and include group study rooms, learning labs, computer classrooms and conference rooms. Spaces vary in capacity, features, and restrictions for use.

General Guidelines for Use of Facilities:

  • Spaces are only available for one time use; recurring reservations will be approved on a case by case basis.
  • All University facilities are smoke-free.
  • Original furniture configurations should be restored before vacating.
  • Classrooms and conference rooms may be reserved and used by Drexel University faculty and staff only.

Prohibited Uses

The Libraries' facilities should not be used for commercial programs or fundraising activities, or for personal profit.

In order to provide a quiet study space for those using the library, disruptive demonstrations and protests by students, faculty, or staff or affiliated groups are not permitted. The use of public address systems or loudspeakers is completely prohibited. Any use of amplifiers must be approved by the library's administrative department.

Access to Facilities

Photo ID is required to enter buildings housing libraries. Special permission for events whose participants include visitors (non-Drexel affiliation) may be required during Finals periods, evenings and on weekends. If an event includes visitors who are not affiliated with Drexel, a list of participants' names should be provided 24 hours prior to the event.

Drexel Student Code of Conduct

The Drexel University Code of Conduct is a comprehensive document that contains policies and procedures regarding expectations of academic and non-academic student behavior. Students have the responsibility to be aware of and abide by the Code of Conduct and any relevant policies and regulations when using any Drexel Libraries facilities. Please visit the Office of Student Life's website to read the complete Code of Conduct.

Space Reservations

Reservations will be approved based on availability and an appropriate match of reservation needs and features of space, e.g. technology, furnishings, capacity, etc. First priority will be given to the Libraries' programs and services, and then to Drexel University affiliated individuals and groups including departments, faculty and staff. Classrooms and conference rooms may be reserved and used by Drexel University faculty and staff only. Reservations are not final until they have been confirmed by the Libraries and may be modified at the discretion of the Libraries. Every effort will be made to re-book a reservation in comparable space if this is necessary. View descriptions of reservable spaces on the Reserve a Room page

The Libraries requires that appropriate security be present to preserve order and protect the safety of its students, employees and property. The requesting department or individual is responsible for security costs beyond those normally incurred by the Libraries. Catering, AV, and housekeeping costs will be paid by the requesting department, group, or individual.