Information for Parents
Libraries are a key component for a strong intellectual life on campus. The Drexel University Libraries works to provide safe, secure and dynamic environments for students to collaborate, learn and experiment with new ideas and information. The Libraries is also home to a dedicated and professional team of experts. Our staff is passionate about the success of your student and offer individualized coaching, instruction, resources and support.
A PERSONAL approach
The first year at any new place can be a bit overwhelming - so much to learn, so little time. To help ease this transition the Libraries connects each incoming freshman with a member of our staff through the Personal Librarian Program. This program includes series of personalized messages and communications shared with your student throughout the year. These messages share tips and tricks about using the Libraries but more importantly they encourage a personal connection and serve as a reminder that there are people in the Libraries that care about your student and their Drexel experience.
After completing their freshman year, your student will continue to receive regular emails alerting them to resources, workshops and opportunities relevant to their studies. These emails are sent by the librarian for undergraduate learning.
Visit the research support page of our website to learn about the variety of ways that the Libraries provides support and coaching. Students are invited to chat, email, call or visit our staff or can utilize the self-directed library guides.
Our Libraries provide physical spaces that encourage a variety of different types of work ranging from individual silent study to private group study rooms. In addition our Libraries offer equipment and technology lending, computer labs, in person assistance, printing and scanning, and more.
Drexel parents are invited to subscribe to the Libraries' monthly e-newsletter, Boundless, which provides updates about Libraries services, events and initiatives. For more information about the newsletter, or to express interest in receiving more information about the Libraries, please contact
Parents are invited to utilize the W. W. Hagerty Library during their visits to the University, or if they are a member of the local community either as the guest of their student or as a visitor to campus. Visitor hours are typically 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and vary throughout the academic term. Please visit our affiliates and visitors page for more information.