Bibliography of Drexel History

General Drexel University History

"The Centennial Video." Philadelphia: Drexel University, 1991. Videorecording.

Creese, James. "A.J. Drexel and His Industrial University." New York: Newcomen Society of England, 1949. [Locate this item]

Dilworth, Richardson, and Scott Gabriel Knowles. “Building Drexel: The University and Its City, 1891-2016.” Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2016. [Locate this item]

"Going National: The Drexel Microcomputing Project." Philadelphia: Drexel University, 1985. Videorecording. [Locate this item]

Kotzin, Miriam N. "A History of Drexel University: 1941-1963." Philadelphia: Drexel University, 1983. [Locate this item]

McDonald, Edward, and Edward M. Hinton. "Drexel Institute of Technology, 1891-1941." Philadelphia: Drexel Institute, 1942. [Locate this item]

Papadakis, Constantine. "A University with a Difference: The Unique Vision of Anthony J. Drexel." Address delivered to the Newcomen Society of the United States, Philadelphia, Pa., December 6, 2001. [Electronic resource]

Paul, David A. "When the Pot Boils: The Decline and Turnaround of Drexel University." Albany: State University of New York Press, 2008. [Locate this item]


Flood, Barbara. "Drexel's Information Science M.S. Degree Program, 1963-1971: An Insider's Recollections." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 51, no. 12 (2000): 1137-1148.

"Garrison, Guy. 'A Century of Library Education at Drexel University: Vignettes of Growth and Change (1992)." Unpublished manuscript, Faculty Author Collection, Drexel University Archives. [PDF]

Garrison, Guy. "Alice B. Kroeger and the Origins of the College of Information Studies (1988)." Unpublished manuscript, Faculty Author Collection. Drexel University Archives.

Janick, Stephen. "Pearlstein Center Inspires a Look at College of Business' Long History." Library News 3, no. 7 (July 2002). [PDF]

Montgomery, George. "Establishing Drexel's Evening College: A Tribute to Kenneth W. Riddle (1963)." Unpublished manuscript, Faculty Author Collection. Drexel University Archives.

Nehlig, Mary E. "The History and Development of the Drexel Institute Library School, 1892-1914." Master's thesis, Drexel Institute of Technology, 1952.


"Football at Drexel." Unpublished manuscript, Football Records. Drexel University Archives.

Janick, Stephen. "The Origins of the Drexel Dragon." Library News 1, no. 8 (November 2000). [PDF]

Thayer, William. "Drexel Lacrosse: A History of the Heart." Philadelphia, Drexel University, 2004. [Electronic edition]

Faculty and Students

Janick, Stephen. "Drexel's 'Illustrious' Beginning -- The Contributions of Howard Pyle." Library News 1, no. 2 (April 2000). [PDF]

Janick, Stephen. "N. Joseph Woodland -- Inventor of Bar Code and Drexel Grad." Library News 1, no. 3 (May 2000). [PDF]

Martin, Kevin. "Booker T. Washington, Sidney Pittman, and the Drexel Institute." Unpublished manuscript, Drexel University Archives (2005).[PDF]


Thomas, George E. "Drexel University: An Architectural History of the Main Building, 1891-1991." Philadelphia: Drexel University Office of University Relations and Department of Architecture, 1991. [Electronic edition]

Drexel Family

Baldwin, Lou. "Saint Katharine Drexel: Apostle to the Oppressed." Philadelphia: Catholic Standard & Times, 2000.

Biddle, Anthony Joseph. "Poland and the Coming of the Second World War: The Diplomatic Papers of A.J. Drexel Biddle, Jr., United States Ambassador to Poland,1937-1939." Edited with an introduction by Philip V. Cannistraro, Edward D. Wynot, Jr., and Theodore P. Kovaleff. Columbus: Ohio State University, 1976.

Biddle, Cordelia Drexel. "My Philadelphia Father." New York: Doubleday, 1955.

Biddle, Cordelia Drexel. “Saint Katharine: The Life of Katharine Drexel.” Yardley: Westholme Publishing, 2014.

Creese, James. "A.J. Drexel and His Industrial University." New York: Newcomen Society of England, 1949.

Dolores, Sister M. "The Francis A. Drexel Family." Cornwells Heights, Pa.: Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, 1939.

Drexel & Company. "A New Home for an Old House." Philadelphia: Drexel & Company, 1927.

Drexel Family Collection. Drexel University Archives.

Drexel, Francis Martin. "Journal of Trip to South America, 1826-1830." Unpublished manuscript, Drexel Family Collection. Drexel University Archives.

Drexel, Francis Martin. "Life and Travels of Francis M. Drexel." Unpublished typescript, Drexel Family Collection. Drexel University Archives.

"The Drexel Heritage: A Family and a University." Philadelphia: Drexel University, 1975.

"Frances Martin Drexel and Philadelphia Leadership in International Finance." The Girard Letter 14, no. 1 (December 1933).

Hopkinson, Edward. "Drexel & Co.: Over a Century of History." New York: Newcomen Society of North America, 1952.

Rottenberg, Dan. "The Man Who Made Wall Street: Anthony J. Drexel and the Rise of Modern Finance." Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001.

Paul, Anthony J. Drexel. "The Alcedo." Unpublished typescript, Drexel Family Collection. Drexel University Archives.

Penrose, Boies. "The Early Life of F.M. Drexel, 1792-1837: The Peregrinations of a Philadelphia Painter-Banker," The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 60 (October 1936).

Train, Frances Cheston. "In Those Days: Tales of a Happy Childhood 1926-1940." New York, 2006.

Wilson, Craig. "The Du Pont-Drexel Legacy." Philadelphia: Drexel University, 1986.

Note: Any of the material listed above that cannot be found in Drexel's online catalog is in the Drexel Family Collection, Drexel University Archives.

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