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Celebrate Open Access Week 2022 with the Drexel Libraries

September 27, 2022

Each year, the Drexel University Libraries celebrates Open Access Week with talks, workshops, and panel discussions to help faculty, staff and students understand Open Access and the support the Libraries provides for OA publishing and research.

This year’s Open Access Week theme is Open for Climate Justice and offers an opportunity for individuals and organizations to “join together, take action, and raise awareness around how open can be a means for climate justice.” Throughout the week, the Libraries will feature Drexel research on climate change and other topics, showcasing how making access to information openly available benefits other researchers and the public. For additional Open Access Week resources and events, visit the official Open Access Week website.

Keynote Speaker: Gwen Ottinger, PhD, Associate Professor, Drexel University, Department of Politics, College of Arts & Sciences

Tuesday, October 25, 2022
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Hybrid event: W. W. Hagerty Library Room L33 & online via Zoom

Watch the recording

Join Drexel Professor Gwen Ottinger for the Libraries’ OA Week Keynote and learn more about and how it both creates more open access and shines a spotlight on the obstacles to access.

The past decade has seen an explosion in the data available to communities who want to know what they are breathing. These data are unevenly distributed, but at least one set of communities on the front lines of hazardous air emissions—those living near oil refineries—can now potentially find answers in data from fenceline monitoring required by the US EPA and the state of California. First, they must get access.

This talk follows a research group’s efforts to download and analyze refinery fenceline monitoring data, chronicling the many obstacles along the way. Their journey shows that “open access” to environmental data can be impeded by regulatory agencies’ inadequate infrastructures for collecting, storing, and managing data, by regulations for providing data that are outmoded or vague, and by data designers’ limited scripts for how communities will want to use data.

The group’s work culminated in the creation of, a platform designed to overcome these obstacles and enable radical accessibility to refinery fenceline monitoring data.

This event is being offered both in-person and virtually by the Drexel University Libraries. In-person attendees are welcome to bring a brown bag lunch to enjoy during the event.

Event Series: Open Access Week Researcher Table Talks

Join the Drexel University Libraries for a series of Open Access Week Researcher Table Talks!

During each event, a different Drexel researcher will talk about their latest research projects and the importance of making research openly available, followed by Q/A and lively discussion with the audience.

Each of the featured OA Week Researcher Table Talk speakers published their articles in Open Access publications using funding provided by the Drexel Libraries’ Open Access Publishing Pilot Fund.

  1. Researcher Table Talk with Loni Tabb, PhD, Associate Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Dornsife School of Public Health

    Monday, October 24, 2022
    2:30 pm – 3:00 pm
    Hybrid event: W. W. Hagerty Library Room L33 & online via Zoom
    Watch the recording

    Join Associate Professor Loni Tabb, PhD, for a table talk discussion on her research on cardiovascular health and health inequities and her forthcoming Open Access journal article, Cardiovascular Health Inequities - Innovative Methods Coupled with Diverse Observational Cohorts Equals a Recipe for Evidence-Based Policies (scheduled for publication in the journal Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology)

  2. CANCELED Researcher Table Talk with Johannes Krause, Drexel Alumnus, Department of Biodiversity, Earth & Environmental Science, College of Arts & Sciences

    Wednesday, October 26, 2022
    10:00 am – 10:30 am
    Virtual event

    Register to attend

    Dr. Johannes Krause will describe his research and forthcoming OA article, Beyond Habitat Boundaries: Organic Matter Cycling Requires a System-Wide Approach for Accurate Blue Carbon Accounting in Limnology and Oceanography.

  3. Researcher Table Talk with Bahrad Sokhansanj, PhD, Assistant Research Professor, College of Engineering

    Thursday, October 27, 2022
    12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
    Virtual event
    Register to attend

    Bahrad Sokhansanj, Assistant Research Professor at Drexel, will discuss his upcoming Open Access journal article, Predicting the Outcome of Legal Proceedings Using Deep Learning, scheduled for publication in the journal Applied Sciences.

  4. Researcher Table Talk with Pratusha Reddy, Research & Teaching Assistant, School of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems

    Thursday, October 27, 2022
    2:00 pm – 2:30 pm
    Virtual event
    Register to attend

    Learn more about Pratusha Reddy’s research on Individual Differences in Skill Acquisition and Transfer Assessed by Dual Task Training Performance and Brain Activity published in Brain Informatics.

  5. Researcher Table Talk with Liangyu Tao, PhD Student and Research Assistant, School of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems

Friday, October 28, 2022
9:00 am – 9:30 am
Hybrid event: W. W. Hagerty Library Room L33 & online via Zoom
Register to attend

Drexel PhD Student and Research Assistant Liangyu Tao will discuss his research and Open Access article, Mechanisms of Variability Underlying Odor-Guided Locomotion published in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience