Changes to eJournal Searching

January 11, 2019

We made some changes to our eJournal A to Z lookup tool!

As of January 1, 2019, our A-Z lookup tool now runs directly from BrowZine, a system that allows you to access and browse e-journals from 1,000s of different publishers in one simple interface.

A few things to note:

  1. BrowZine returns search results in two categories: “Within BrowZine” and “Outside BrowZine.” Simply put, BrowZine covers tens of thousands of journals, but we have lots of other publications in our collection. You can access the full text for any publications listed as “Within BrowZine” directly through the BrowZine interface. For titles listed “Outside BrowZine,” you will be automatically rerouted to Summon, where you can navigate to full-text access via the publisher website.

  2. BrowZine is currently sensitive to punctuation. For example, if you are searching “Alzheimer’s,” make sure you include the apostrophe. We have reported this issue to the vendor and will provide updates as they become available.

  3. Journals will continue to be discoverable in Summon using the Books and More search tab on the Libraries’ homepage or by limiting a Summon search using the filters “Library Catalog” and “Journal/eJournal.”

Let us know what you think! Email us at with feedback or questions.