New Health Sciences Guide Showcases Free Resources
May 26, 2016
The Libraries has a brand new Library Guide that showcases free health sciences resources - bringing together the collection of resources that support health science research and inquiry into one convenient guide available to the entire Drexel University community, and members of the general public.
One of the biggest frustrations the Libraries hear from Drexel graduates is that the access to resources available to them during their studies cannot be continued once they become alumni. While the Libraries would like to provide continued access, it is simply not an option due to restrictions from vendors and/or prohibitive costs.
This guide provides links to scholarly databases and resources such as; PubMed, the Agency for Research and Quality (AHRQ), free health sciences journals, electronic texts, drug information, and statistics. The Health Science Resource guide also lists consumer health resources, patient education information, and tutorials for Endnote Online and Zotero to organize the citations you've collected.
The Libraries participates in Loansome Doc, a PubMed service which provides articles through partnering libraries and this guide links to details on how to use the service.