August 30, 2011
Carpets are filthy.
True, some of Hagerty's carpets have seen better days. Even the world's most durable carpets would quickly wear down under the foot traffic that the library gets on a daily basis. We'll be shampooing the carpets soon.
Update (Sept. 27, 2011): The Carpets near the computer hubs on the first floor were shampooed this morning! The second floor will be shampooed sometime in the next week or two.
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August 29, 2011
On Monday, August 22, 2011 the Libraries welcomed Liason Librarian for Media Arts and Design, Tom Ipri. Tom was most recently the Head of Media and Computer Services at UNLV's Lied Library and before that, the Media Services Librarian at LaSalle University. Tom received his MLIS from Drexel and has published and presented on the topics of technology, media collections and transliteracy in libraries. The Libraries are excited to welcome Tom's subject expertise in film, film studies and media arts. Tom works in room 135 in W. W. Hagerty Library.
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August 29, 2011
[caption id='attachment_367' align='alignright' width='100' caption='Tom Ipri']
On Monday, August 22, 2011 the Libraries welcomed Liason Librarian for Media Arts and Design, Tom Ipri. Tom was most recently the Head of Media and Computer Services at UNLV's Lied Library and before that, the Media Services Librarian at LaSalle University. Tom received his MLIS from Drexel and has published and presented on the topics of technology, media collections and transliteracy in libraries. The Libraries are excited to welcome Tom's subject expertise in film, film studies and media arts. Tom works in room 135 in W. W. Hagerty Library.
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August 24, 2011
If we are required to purchase a textbook, the library should have a copy of it too. There is no Engineering Economic Analysis, 11th edition, but CIVE240 requires it.
Thanks for writing. I know that textbooks are an enormous expense for students, and many rely on the library's course reserves system to help them through the term. Books and other materials go on course reserve when your instructor or department requests it. If we don't hear from your instructors, we don't put their stuff on reserve. So please let your instructor know that you'd like the stuff you need on reserve, and if they look at you like you've got two heads, send them here.
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August 22, 2011
On Tuesday, August 9, 2011 the staff of the Libraries attended a special presentation from Haruki Nagata, a specially appointed professor at Japan's Rikkyo University.
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August 19, 2011
Whether you like to study at 7 AM, 1 PM, or 3 AM - we've got the space for you. The following Library spaces will remain open around the clock for final's week.
Library Learning Terrace
Open 24/7 beginning Sunday, August 28th at 10 AM
W. W. Hagerty Library
Open 24/7 beginning Thursday, August 25th
Bookmark Cafe
Where have you been...we're always open 24/7!
During Finals' Week the Bookmark Cafe entrance will remain closed. Please enter through the library entrance.
Library hours will return to normal after Finals have completed.
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August 18, 2011
This afternoon I saw one orange little thing like a baby fly on the monitor of my computer. I tried to catch it, but I failed. Then after awhile, I got six bites. I am thinking maybe there are bugs at the library.
I think you may be right. I'm really sorry to hear about your bug bites. Although this is the first we've heard of biting bugs, we've been aware of the bug problem for awhile. They seem to come and go with the seasons, and right now is clearly bug season at Hagerty. We've called facilities and they are monitoring the situation.
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August 15, 2011
Fix the paper towel dispenser in the basement level bathroom. Also the bathroom doors tend to lock you in. The first floor bathroom tends to smell a lot as well.
Thanks for writing. I think you were talking about the men's bathroom, since the women's has been closed since before you wrote. As of today the towel dispenser in the men's lower-level bathroom was working properly. If you have the problem again, would you please tell us the specifics so that we can fix it? We know that the first floor bathrooms do not smell fantastic. We are working with facilities to update the bathroom plumbing. They are renovating the women's bathroom in the lower level now.
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August 12, 2011
There is a banner on my computer. 'For finals we are making room...' for June 2nd through 11th.' That was six weeks ago!
Thanks for writing and alerting us to the oversight. We'll be sure to double check and update the banners on all of the library computers.
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August 11, 2011
'When Ye Hard Work is Done': Student Life at Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann University, 1850 - 1962
When Ye Hard Work is Done draws on photographs and objects from the Drexel University College of Medicine (DUCOM) Legacy Center to provide a sense of student life in the early years of these two institutions, the Woman's Medical College and Hahnemann University. The title of the exhibit, 'When Ye Hard Work is Done,' is taken from one of several 1901 poems by Woman's Medical College graduate Martha Tracy, who chronicled her experiences as a medical student in a booklet she titled, 'Ye Medical Student's Primer,' which is featured in the exhibit.
This exhibit is currently being featured at Hahnemann Library.
[gallery order='DESC' columns='5' orderby='title']
This exhibit was mounted by Sarah Daub of Drexel University Libraries and Matt Herbison, an archivist at DUCOM's Legacy Center.
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August 11, 2011
[caption id='attachment_297' align='alignleft' width='225' caption='Gary Childs poses with the Award']
Drexel University Libraries Health Sciences Education/Reference Librarian Gary Childs was honored with the 2010 - 2011 Doctor of Nursing Practice (DrNP) Nursing Science Chairman's Award. The award was presented to Childs in recognition of his outstanding support of graduate students and faculty in the program.
'At this doctoral program, research and database searching are critical. Gary's name was at the top of the list because he not only assists students with this process immensely, but also has a wonderful style of presentation that the students truly enjoy, ' Al Rundio, Department Chair of the Doctoral Nursing Department, said.
Each year, the department chair has the honor of selecting an individual, within or outside of Drexel, who has gone above and beyond in assisting students at Drexel.
'I'm very flattered and honored, to say the least,' recipient Gary Childs said. 'The award came as quite a surprise and it feels really wonderful to receive this distinction.'
Childs works at the Hahnemann Library.
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August 10, 2011
Drexel University Archives presents a new exhibition, 'Researching Diversity at Drexel,' opening August 10, 2011. The exhibition contains documents from the University Archives and essays written by students in Professor Sharon Brubaker's English 103 classes that explore issues of race, gender and cultural diversity at Drexel.
Drexel opened its doors in 1891 as a technical school dedicated to educating men and women students of all races, religions, and backgrounds. However, the history of diversity at Drexel, as at any institution, is complex. Were students of color welcome in Drexel's fraternity and sorority scene? How were international students treated? Which departments had women students and faculty when Drexel was founded, and how did the distribution of women change over time? These are some of the questions that this exhibition addresses.
Exhibit Opens: Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Opening Reception: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 5 - 7 PM *
Location: W. W. Hagerty Library, 33rd & Market Streets, Philadelphia, PA
* Opening reception, with coffee and conversation about researching and documenting diversity, will take place at Hagerty Library from 5 PM - 7 PM on August 17, 2011. This event is free and open to the public.
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August 9, 2011
The Library Learning Terrace is back open this week! Check out the hours, listed below:
Monday, August 8th - 10 AM - 10 PM
Tuesday, August 9th - 10 Am - 10 PM
Wednesday, August 10th - 10 AM - 10 PM
Thursday, August 11th - 10 AM - 10 PM
Friday, August 12th - 10 AM - 5 PM
Saturday, August 13th - Closed
Sunday, August 14th - 10 AM - 10 PM
There are a lot of great things in the Terrace: comfortable chairs, group spaces, individual spaces, whiteboards, and lots of windows. Everything is on wheels, so shift things around to accommodate your group, or create your own personal study nook.
...just remember, the same Libraries policies apply to the Terrace, so that means that you've got to leave your pizza, hoagie, Chinese food, burrito, etc. in the dining terrace. Snacks and bottled drinks are still OK!
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August 9, 2011
[caption id='attachment_361' align='alignright' width='100' caption='Megan Hoke']
On Monday, August 1st the Libraries welcomed Administrative Coordinator, Megan Hoke. Megan joins the Libraries having worked at an internet startup company for several years. She graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor's in Theater and managed a professional theater company. She works in W. W. Hagerty's Administrative suite.
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August 5, 2011
[caption id='attachment_293' align='alignleft' width='206' caption='Henry Taylor, working at W. W. Hagerty's Circulation Desk']
When Henry Taylor graduates from high school next summer, he'll be one step ahead of his peers. Taylor, a Kensington senior, is a participant in the Philadelphia Youth Network's WorkReady Program, which matches over 5,000 young people to summer employment opportunities and service programs, where they can build skills to prepare for their eventual careers.
Taylor was matched with Drexel University, and began work in the Libraries in June 2011. Since, the enthusiastic youth has worked hard to build upon his professional skills.
'This is Henry's first job, and we have an exciting opportunity to help him discover and build essential skills that will help him to become a successful professional,' Library Reserve Coordinator, Gina Cacace, who works closely with Henry, said.
WorkReady provides participating organizations with a structured set of lessons for student participants to learn during the program. Henry has worked on building valuable networking skills through meetings with staff within the Libraries, where he learned about their job responsibilities, work histories and education. He also met with the Libraries' Career Services Librarian, Brendan Johnson, to learn about different college majors and the career paths associated those fields of study.
Taylor, a football player who's favorite subjects include math and science, isn't sure what he wants to do for a living or what major he might like to pursue as a major, but he does have dreams of owning his own business one day.
'I like coming in to work every day,' Taylor said about working at W. W. Hagerty Library. 'Everybody is always happy and smiling like they never have a bad day. Or, if they do have a bad day, they don't show it.' Henry works closely with several librarians and staff members, but admittedly has a few favorites, largely because of their kindness and humor.
'Henry and I have shared a lot of laughs and he has taught me things as well,' Cacace said. 'He's showed me how important it is to get out of my 'librarian' state of mind and has changed the way that I relate to my work.'
Taylor's favorite day at work so far had little to do with the Libraries and much more to do with preparing for college. Drexel University is currently hosting a New Student Orientation program where incoming students travel from around the area to stay overnight on campus and gain a sneak peak into what life will be like on campus. Henry was able to attend the Libraries' part of this process and he lists the experience as his best day at Drexel to date. 'I was able to see the incoming students and what they're like,' he said, likely realizing that he's not very different from the individuals a year older than him and that beginning college is an exciting and sometimes terrifying process for everyone.
Regardless of the institution he eventually chooses, working in the Libraries has taught Taylor a valuable lesson in planning ahead. 'Don't wait until the last minute,' he says, 'A lot of people come in and try to get books/materials at the last minute, and the items are already checked out. They could fail [their assignment] because they waited too long.'
About WorkReady Philadelphia
WorkReady Philadelphia is the city-wide youth workforce development system, which is funded through a blending of public, private sector and philanthropic investments. Overseen by the Philadelphia Council for College and Career Success - a subgroup of the Workforce Investment Board - WorkReady Philadelphia 2011 summer youth employment and service programs run from July 5 through August 12 and serve over 5,000 young people. Participating youth earn at least minimum wage, and participate for 120 hours over the six-week period. The bulk of public funding for WorkReady Summer 2011 is provided through Temporary Assistance to Needy Families and the Workforce Investment Act.
Jenny James Lee, Drexel University Libraries, Marketing & Events Associate at 215-571-4095 or jennyjames@drexel.edu
Niki Gianakaris, Director, Drexel News Bureau, Office of University Communication at 215-895-6741, 215-778-7752 (cell) or ngianakaris@drexel.edu
Michelle Martin, Communications Coordinator, Philadelphia Youth Network, Inc. at 267-502-3752 or mimartin@pyninc.org
Article by: Jenny James Lee with editing by Niki Gianakaris
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August 5, 2011
We've had two comments about our machinery here at Hagerty:
The Dragon card station is out of order, the copier is out of order, and there are no computers available. I pay Ivy League tuition, but get a community college library at Drexel.
This library is in bad shape. I printed a document. It came out so faint I could hardly read it. I tried to print another document, and it wouldn't print, so a librarian told me to have it printed at circulation. But they couldn't take my Dragon card because the reader was broken. One of two card readers is broken at the print center. I tried to staple my document, but the stapler was out of staples. What am I getting for ,000 per credit hour? Is it too much to expect things to work?
Thank you for writing. I'm really sorry you hit so many road blocks while you were trying to get your work done. I know it's frustrating. Our copiers, printers, and scanners are due for an update, as you've alluded to, and we're in the midst of taking bids, selecting a new vendor, and getting new equipment, which should arrive early in the fall. In the meantime, please bear with us while we try to help you resolve any issues you may have on a case by case basis.
We try very hard to keep staplers, toner, and paper well stocked, but since these things can quickly run out when we least expect it, please tell us if you find that something's low, and we'll replace it right away.
As for no computers being available, did you know that there are two computer labs on Hagerty's lower level? There is one in L14 and one in L13C. It is very rare that every single one of these computers is taken, but if they are all in use, you might try checking a laptop at the circulation desk.
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August 4, 2011
View the August Issue online. Articles include:
- From the Dean
- Conference Builds Shared Vision of the Libraries' Future
- Libraries Unveil new Library Learning Terrace to over 250 in Attendance at Twilight Opening
- Building New Friends at the Academy of Natural Sciences Library and Archives
- Who Was W. W. Hagerty?
- Libraries Welcome New Students
- 2011 Library Celebration Awards
- W. W. Hagerty's Peggy Dominy Receives Special Libraries Association Award
- Libraries in Transition
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August 3, 2011
In support of the University's efforts to form partnerships with our neighbors, we highlight and encourage the use of the Libraries during hours we are open to the public, typically 7:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Especially convenient to our Mantua and Powelton Village neighbors is W. W. Hagerty Library at 33rd and Market Streets in University City. For more information please see information for visitors.
We also welcome visitors to use our reference services, available on-site during visiting hours. Reference services are also available by phone at 215-895-2755 (or toll free at 1-888-278-8825), via text message, or instant message, at any time when Reference Desks are staffed.
At Drexel University Libraries, we've experienced great success helping those who help others. We hope to hear from you! Please visit our website for more information about our neighborhood partnerships.- John Wiggins, Director of Library Services & Quality Improvement
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August 1, 2011
[caption id='attachment_217' align='alignleft' width='282' caption='William Walsh Hagerty (1916-1986) with the plaque, bearing his name, in the lobby.']
William Walsh Hagerty was appointed President of the Drexel Institute of Technology in 1963 where he served until 1984.
During his tenure, Hagerty was responsible for expanding the campus to include new colleges and programs. His work increased enrollment to over 12,500 students, doubling the previous enrollment and increasing the budget from million to million dollars. In 1970 Hagerty guided the institution through its transition to University status, leading the way for the Drexel University that exists today.
In 1983, Drexel named a new library on campus after President Hagerty. W. W. Hagerty Library opened in October 1983 and continues to bear his name. Shortly after, in 1986, Hagerty passed away.
Article by: Jenny James Lee historical information from the Drexel University Archives and Libraries' Website: http://www.library.drexel.edu/about/wwhagerty.html.
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