This Just In: fraternity and sorority objects from the 1960s and 1970s
May 13, 2014
This post is the first in a new series: each month we'll show you some photos and tell you about new donations to the University Archives. Recently, the Archives received donations of material from alums Priscilla Nannos Muir ('75) and Charlie Ruhl ('65).
Priscilla donated a Panhellenic Council gavel from the 1970s (above, left), while Charlie entrusted us with his collection of Delta Kappa Rho/Phi Sigma Kappa items, including photographs, cards and brochures and steins. Delta Kappa Rho was a local fraternity, unique to Drexel, until it became a chapter of the national Phi Sigma Kappa in 1965. The item on the lower right of the photo above, in case you can't tell, is a punch card!
Here's a closer look at Priscilla's gavel (click to see a larger image):

What do you think of this 1960s Drexel Dragon? (Click to see a larger image.)

Would you like to donate your fraternity and sorority memorabilia to the Archives? Click here to find out how you can!