Timeline of Drexel History

Year Event
1889 Work begins on the Main Building at 32nd and Chestnut streets and plans for the Drexel Institute of Art, Science, and Industry are made public
1891 First school president, James MacAlister, appointed
Drexel Institute of Art, Science, and Industry is dedicated
Departments are organized under the following academic divisions: Art Department, Scientific Department, Department of Mechanic Arts, Department of Domestic Economy, Technical Department, Business Department, Department of Physical
Training, Normal Department for the training of teachers, Department of Lectures and Evening Classes, Library and Reading Room, and Museum
1892 Classes begin
Third school in the country to train librarians opens at Drexel
1893 Houses on 32nd Street purchased for lab and classroom space
School founder Anthony J. Drexel dies in Carlsbad, Germany
1894 Department of domestic science and arts offers three specialized programs: domestic science, cookery, and dressmaking
Technical department and science department merge to form department of science and technology
Howard Pyle begins School of Illustration
School incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania
First school-wide commencement; commencement previously held at the department level
1895 Athletic association is formed
Thomas Eakins teaches briefly
First alumni association is formed
1896 First two class books, The Hanseatic and The Eccentric, are published
Department of Free Public Lectures and Entertainment established, previously affiliated with the Evening School
Evening architecture extends requirements for certificate
1897 Free evening classes in choral music are offered
Violet Oakley attends classes in School of Illustration
Lucina A. Ball, first secretary and registrar, resigns
Marie J. Goddard is president of the Drexel Institute Architectural Club and becomes first woman to complete the architecture program
1899 Virginia Castleman writes lyrics to "Drexel Ode," which is performed at commencement for the first time
Houses leased on Chestnut Street, above 32nd Street for the School of Architecture
Formal committee appointed to oversee social activities for students
1900 Department of Electrical Engineering opens
William Pittman, African-American scholarship recipient from Tuskegee Institute, completes architecture program
Courses are offered in mathematics, physics, and chemistry
Domestic Science and Arts are separated into junior and advanced programs with technical-level courses in Domestic Science and Domestic Arts as separate departments
Howard Pyle resigns from Drexel
1902 Randell Hall (originally called East Hall) opens
Picture gallery opens in Randell Hall
1903 Engineering course becomes School of Electrical Engineering grouped under the Department of Science and Technology
Training for nurses is briefly offered
Library school requires entrance examination
Choral Music Department is reconstituted as Department of Evening Classes in Choral Music
1905 Architecture becomes independent department
Fine and applied arts is officially terminated
Board of Trustees decides not to offer a degree
Evening School offers course to prepare students to pass State Board of Examiners of Public Accountants
Marble bust of A. J. Drexel, done by Moses Ezekiel, is presented to school by Sarah Drexel Van Rensselaer, daughter of the founder
1906 Science courses become School of Science
School of Electrical Engineering becomes School of Engineering under the Department of Science and Technology, offering electrical, mechanical and civil engineering
New alumni constitution is prepared
1907 First alumni day is held
1908 Training for nurses is discontinued
Choral music course is discontinued
Industry subsidizes employees' attendance at Drexel Evening School
Board of Trustees president James W. Paul, son-in-law of the founder, dies; Alexander Van Rensselaer becomes board president
1909 Architecture offers three-year course
Frances MacIntyre replaces Frances J. Dill as school's secretary
1910 Evening School alumni form separate group
Associated alumni of evening classes form constitution
1911 First yearbook is offered
Charles E. Etting Fund established as the first general scholarship fund
1912 Men's student government is formed
1913 The Lexerd published under present name
President James MacAlister resigns, then dies shortly after
President James Horace Churchman serves pro tem
1914 Hollis Godfrey becomes president, implements a major restructuring of academic divisions
Academic departments reorganized under four schools: Engineering School, Secretarial School, Evening School, and School of Domestic Science and Arts
Technical training becomes a division under the School of Domestic Science and Arts
Architecture drops from day curriculum, becomes division of Evening School
Secretarial School created through the dissolution of the Department of Commerce and Finance
Department of Domestic Science and Department of Domestic Arts consolidated under School of Domestic Science and Arts
Courses in pure and physical science, technical courses, and electrical engineering consolidate to form School of Engineering
State grants rights to offer Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Free lectures and public concerts discontinued
Library School is discontinued
Henry V. Gummere heads newly established Evening School, lengthens course offerings with policy of non-duplication with area schools
1915 Controlled summer program begins, predecessor to cooperative education program
1916 First home management practice house opens for the School of Domestic Science and Arts
Lower school is discontinued
1917 Bachelor of Science in Secretarial Studies is offered
Bachelor of Science in Domestic Science and Arts is offered
State grants rights to offer Master of Science in Domestic Science and Arts
Twenty-fifth anniversary convocation held
1918 Students' Army Training Corps (SATC) begins
War course for women initiated in dietetics, occupational therapy, and preparatory work for the civil service
First student houses for women under direct Drexel control are set up
1919 First regular summer school begins
Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) begins
Terms become quarters
Four-year engineering co-op is established
Harold C. Bales is appointed first director of co-op
Elizabeth L. Cowan and Ruth E. Green are the first women to receive bachelor's degrees in domestic science and arts
Evening diploma school is organized
1920 Evening School offers preparatory curriculum
M.J. McAvoy, first full-time coach, is hired
1921 Hollis Godfrey resigns
Administrative board runs the Institute in the interim between presidents
1922 Kenneth Gordon Matheson becomes president
Evening School faculty consists of regular college faculty, secondary school teachers, and persons from industry
John Arnett comes to Drexel as physician
New Home Management House opens
Cecil A. Kapp is appointed new director of cooperative work
Two-year dietetics course is offered
Helen Goodspeed is director of home economics and advisor to women
First alumnus, Horace P. Liversidge, is elected to Board of Trustees
Seven scholarships are granted to students from local schools
Secretarial School is retitled School of Business Administration
Women's student government is formed
Office of dean of men is created and dean of women's functions are expanded
Faculty council of president is formed, composed of deans and directors, department heads, and chairman of committees
Functions of registrar and comptroller are divided
Preparatory nurses course is started
Library School is re-established under directorship of Anne Wallace Howland
1923 Drexel alumni write new constitution
Grace Godfrey succeeds Helen Goodspeed as director of home economics and advisor to women
Dietetics becomes four-year major
Four-year cooperative degree in chemical engineering is offered, as are business administration, four-year commercial teaching, four-year secretarial studies, and two-year secretarial course for diploma
1924 First evening diploma to woman in accounting is offered
Five-year commerce and engineering course is offered
Robert C. Disque becomes academic dean
Endowment drive begins
Evening College alumni amend constitution
John Arnett begins systematic program of student health
Faculty athletic council is formed
1925 Chemical engineering becomes five-year co-op
1926 Department of Education and Psychology is established
The Triangle begins publication
1927 Nursery playschool is developed
Walter H. Halas hired as full-time coach, responsible for baseball, basketball, and football
State grants charter amendment for Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Secretarial Studies, Commerce, Home Economics, Library Science, and Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, and Chemical Engineering
1928 Cyrus H. K. Curtis gives pipe organ to Institute
Edith M. Rood becomes first woman editor of The Triangle
1929 Annuity plan for faculty is approved by Board of Trustees
Home economics offers textile merchandising
Curtis Hall is completed
1930 Home Management House and nursery school building open
Nurses course is established
1931 Drexel Lodge, gift of A. J. Drexel Paul, is dedicated
Cornerstone is laid for Sarah Drexel Van Rensselaer Dormitory for Women
Charter is amended to give honorary degrees
Graduate work begins in home economics
President Matheson dies
Executive committee runs Drexel: academic dean (R. C. Disque), comptroller (W. R. Wagenseller), dean of men (L. D. Stratton), and director of Evening School (W. T. Spivey)
Sarah Drexel Van Rensselaer Dormitory opens
1932 Parke R. Kolbe becomes president
Open house for high school students, parents, and faculty is held
Alexander Van Rensselaer starts first loan fund for Evening School students
1933 Home Economics holds first vocational conference
Faculties with broad self-governing powers are formed in each school: business administration, engineering, home  economics, and library science; administrative head of school is to be called dean
Business administration offers retailing management
1934 Men's faculty club room is established, with corresponding Ryder Club for the women of the faculty and administrative staff
Provision of indefinite tenure for the faculty with rank of assistant professor and higher is passed by the Board of Trustees
1935 Home economics offers general home economics course
1936 Name is changed to Drexel Institute of Technology
Carl Altmaier undertakes history of Drexel
Marie Hamilton Law succeeds Anne Wallace Howland as director of Library chool
Engineering Council for Professional Development accredits School of Engineering
1937 Alumni help in selecting promising students
1938 George C. Galphin starts guidance clinic
Library School discontinues non-credit summer work
Technical Journal begins publication
1939  Student Building opens
New alumni association constitution subordinates class and school interests to those of the Institute as a whole
1940 Engineering Defense Training program offered
1941 Training begins in the Engineering Defense program and the Engineering, Science, and Management of War program
1942 George Peters Rea becomes president
Edward D. McDonald and Edward M. Hinton's history of Drexel, covering the first 50 years of the Institute, is published
1943 First women enroll in the School of Engineering
1944 Financial crisis caused by falling enrollment during World War II forces the sale of Drexel's collection of art and original manuscripts; the auction for the material brings in $75,000
President Rea resigns; Dean Disque serves as acting president
1945 James Creese becomes president
Athletics becomes a recognized department under the dean of faculty
1946 Drexel Society of Women Engineers (SWE) founded
1947 Day College and Evening School unite, making credits from both of equal value
Don Yonker appointed men's soccer coach, beginning a 30-year career
1948 Evening students receive their diplomas with the day colleges in a combined ceremony
1950 Evening School becomes Evening College
1955 Stratton Hall (originally called the Basic Sciences Building) is completed
Men's football team goes undefeated for the first time
1956 Tidewater Grain elevator explosion causes considerable damage to Drexel buildings
The United States Army Corps of Engineers report on the educational qualifications of engineering graduates ranks Drexel alumni second
1958 Men's soccer team wins national championship after a 12-0 season
1959 Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering and Science is offered
New library (currently Korman Center), which includes space for the Library School and an audiovisual center, opens
1960 Red Lion Warehouse, adjacent to the Main Building, is purchased
1961 Rush Hospital on 33rd Street is purchased
1962 Drexel graduate Paul Baran (class of 1949) invents "packet switching," a key component in the development of the Internet
John Semanik (class of 1956) becomes athletic director, the first alumnus to hold that position
1963 William Walsh Hagerty becomes president
Creese Student Center opens
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania grants Institute the right to confer the PhD in physics, chemistry, materials engineering, applied mechanics, and mathematics
1964 Red Lion Warehouse is converted into classrooms and reopened as Commonwealth Hall with a bridge over Ludlow Street connecting Commonwealth and the Main Building
1965 Mary Semanik becomes Drexel’s women’s director of athletics
1966 Rush Hospital is converted into classrooms and opens as the Graduate School of Library Science (Rush Building)
A. J. Drexel statue moved from Fairmount Park to the Drexel campus
1967 Women's basketball team completes its second consecutive undefeated season
Disque Hall opens
Richard J. Mortimer earns the first PhD awarded by Drexel
1968 College of Engineering and the College of Science are founded out of the previously established College of Engineering and Science
1970 Drexel Institute of Technology is renamed Drexel University
Nesbitt Hall is completed
1972 Drexel four-oar crew wins the school's first gold medal at the Dad Vail Regatta
1973 Mandell Theater opens
1974 Lancaster Avenue (between 32nd and 33rd streets) is converted to a sidewalk
The Educational Activities Center (later renamed MacAlister Hall) opens
1975 The Physical Education Athletic Center (later renamed Daskalakis Athletic Center) opens; "Running Free" sculpture of three horses is installed
1981 Men's soccer team wins its first East Coast Conference (ECC) championship
1983 Drexel announces plan to require all students to have personal access to a personal computer
1984 W. W. Hagerty Library opens
First Macintosh computers distributed to Drexel students
President Hagerty retires
William S. Gaither becomes president
1987 Harold Myers begins his service as interim president
Wrestling team has its winningest season ever (17-5-1)
1988 Richard Breslin becomes president
Academic Building is purchased to be used for administration
Neuropsychology PhD program approved
1989 LeBow Engineering Center opens
Michael Anderson (class of 1989) becomes first Drexel alumnus to play in the National Basketball Association (NBA)
1990 The Center for Automation Technology opens
College of Science becomes the College of Arts and Sciences
1993 One Drexel Plaza is purchased at a December auction; it later becomes the home of the College of Evening and Professional Studies
1994 Chuck Pennoni serves as interim president upon the resignation of Richard Breslin
1995 Constantine Papadakis becomes president
1996 Men's basketball team sets a record by winning 27 games
1997 School of Biomedical Engineering, Science, and Health Systems begins
School of Education begins
1999 North Residence Hall opens
2000 Caneris Residence Hall (formerly East Hall) Dormitory opens
2002 Drexel University College of Medicine established, successor to MCP Hahnemann University School of Medicine
Pearlstein Business Learning Center Business building opens
University Crossings opens as a dormitory
2005 Bossone Research Enterprise Center Scientific Research opens for biomedical engineering courses
Classes begin in the College of Law
2007 College of Law building opens
Race Street Residences opens
2009 Constantine Papadakis dies; Chuck Pennoni resumes service as interim president
Millennium Hall opens
2010 John Anderson Fry becomes president
Recreation Center opens
2011 Papadakis Integrated Sciences Building opens  
The Center for Interdisciplinary Inquiry, part of Pennoni Honors College, offers the custom-designed major
Drexel affiliates with the Academy of Natural Sciences
2012 Men's basketball team sets a record by winning 29 games
The URBN Center, new home of Westphal College, opens in the former Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) building
2013 Gerri C. LeBow Hall opens
The College of Computing & Informatics (CCI) is created, combining the College of Information Science and Technology (the iSchool), the Department of Computer Science in the College of Engineering, and the Department of Computing and Security Technology in Goodwin College
The Center for Hospitality and Sport Management is established
Women's basketball team wins the Women's National Invitation Tournament (WNIT); Hollie Mershon is named Tournament MVP
Men's and women's crew teams combine to win the overall points trophy at the Dad Vail Regatta; Drexel continues this victory 2014–2017
Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship is launched
2014 The College of Computing & Informatics (CCI) enrolls its first class of students
The School of Public Health moves from the Center City campus to Nesbitt Hall in the University City campus
Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships opens
President Obama announces the first of five Promise zones, one of which is in Philadelphia, with Drexel as a partner
2015 School of Public Health is renamed the Dana and David Dornsife School of Public Health after the Dornsifes donated $45 million to the school
2016 Drexel and Brandywine Realty Trust unveil plans for Schuylkill Yards, a $3.5 billion investment to create a new fourteen-acre neighborhood immediately west of 30th Street Station
2017 Men's and women's crew teams win fifth consecutive overall team title trophy at the Dad Vail Regatta