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Danuta A. Nitecki

Dean Emerita








As Dean of Libraries from 2010-2023, Danuta A. Nitecki worked to envision the academic library and to model one that best contributes toward achieving Drexel University's dynamic mission. Serving on the Provost's Academic and Deans Councils, the President's Executive Council, as well as various campus groups, she worked to evolve the Libraries as an integral part of the learning enterprise. A Drexel alumna, Nitecki is also a Continuing Professor at Drexel's College of Computing and Informatics.

Prior to returning to Drexel, she held administrative positions in the libraries of Yale University [1996 - 2010], University of Maryland at College Park [1983-1996], University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [1978-83] and the University of Tennessee at Knoxville [1972-1978]. She has been active in national, state and regional associations, served as a consultant and invited presenter throughout the US and internationally, and has published over ninety articles, books, compilations, and reviews on such topics as user-based evaluation of library services, research methods, library space, document delivery, and management of library services and information technology applications.

Dr. Nitecki also has taught in library science graduate programs at the University of Rhode Island, Simmons College, and the University of Parma [Italy], as well as through an online course she co-developed for evaluating library service quality for professionals [Association of Research Libraries Online Lyceum, 2000--2004].